Land to the rear of "Tudor Rose", Stapleford Abbots, Essex - Application Reference EPF/1860/17.
Proposed Development: Replace Stable Block with New Bungalow.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture are proud to show off our latest planning approval for new residential devlopment in Essex. The application site is a sizeable field or paddock, containing a barn building and a stables building, located to the rear of the house at Tudor Rose, which itself has a large rear garden. Access to the paddock is via an access at the immediate side of the house at Tudor Rose, and adjoining the boundary with the neighbouring house at Oak Top. Tudor Rose lies on the opposite side of the road to the Royal Oak public house.lace an existing stable block with a new bungalow in the village of Stapleford Abbots, Romford, Essex.
The NPPF allows the redevelopment of previously developed land within the Green Belt and the vacant stable building on this land falls within this category. The proviso is that any replacement building should not have a greater impact on openness in the Green Belt. The proposed bungalow is a modest one with a smaller footprint and smaller volume than the stable building it replaces, and hence it is compliant with the NPPF - vis para 89 - 6th bullet point.
Conditions are to be imposed restricting the curtilage of the new bungalow and withdrawing permitted development rights, along with conditions requiring details of a) external materials, b) of foul and surface water drainage, and c) land contamination, to be submitted and approved. The access to this paddock at the rear is alongside the east side of the house at Tudor Rose. This access will be close to the flank of the neighbouring house at Oak Top but traffic movements to the proposed bungalow will be light and would not cause any material loss of amenity. Also a high and substantial hedge runs along this boundary providing good privacy. As such the development had no highways and access issues.
For the above reasons the proposal complies with the NPPF and it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
The application sailed through the planning process and the applicant now has an extremely valuable asset on their land as opposed to the wooden stable block occupying the site.
If you would like to see how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Services can work in harmony to achieve success in the rural planning system please do not hesitate to contact us.