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New vehicular crossover planning application submitted in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. En-Plan: Planning Consultants for Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry and Essex.

NEW VEHICULAR CROSSOVER, conservatory and residential annex

Shropshire Office


Back Lane

Bomere Heath



Norfolk Office

34 Queen Elizabeth Avenue

Kings Lynn


PE30 4BX

Planning Application submitted for a replacement conservatory and boundary wall with railings in Allesley, Coventry.



Following an initial consultation with the client En-Plan: Planing & Architecture formulated and submitted a full planning application to Coventry City Council for these domestic alterations that will add real value to this residence in the village of Allesley. The planning  application is progressing and we are expecting approval for the scheme in August.  Watch this space for more details.  We also have a dedicated residential extensions page that details further example of how we have helped clients realise the development potential

in their properties

The Application Site

The application site relates to a semi-detached dwelling located to the south west edge of Worcester Close at the corner with Antrim Close in the Bablake Ward in the suburb of Allesley. The Allesley Primary School is very nearby to the west, at the end of Antrim Close, and this is often a busy road with the school traffic. There is a slope in the site from Antrim Close, downwards and northwards into Worcester Close (of approximately 1.2m).

The site comprises the main dwelling house and an outbuilding at the end of the rear garden adjacent to the neighbour at No. 5. This outbuilding was originally a garage, but it is accepted that it has been converted and used as ancillary living accommodation to the main house for a number of years (even if not formally), and the original dropped kerb for the site’s off road parking is in Worcester Close to the front of this original garage.

Allesley itself is situated approximately 4 miles northwest of Coventry city center. Allesley is known for its residential areas, green spaces, and historical landmarks. The suburb offers a mix of housing types, including detached and semi-detached houses, as well as some apartment complexes. It has a community feel with local amenities such as shops, schools, churches, and recreational facilities. Allesley is also home to Allesley Park, a large green space that offers opportunities for outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, and picnicking. The park features open fields, woodlands, and a golf course, providing a peaceful escape from urban life. In addition, Allesley boasts historical attractions like the 12th-century Allesley Parish Church, known for its Norman architecture and stained glass windows. The church is a significant landmark in the area, attracting visitors interested in history and architecture. Transportation links connect Allesley to Coventry city center and other nearby areas. Bus services provide convenient access to the city's amenities, including shopping centers, restaurants, cultural attractions, and employment opportunities. Overall, Allesley offers a suburban lifestyle within close proximity to Coventry, providing residents with a combination of residential tranquility and easy access to urban conveniences.

The Planning Proposal

As amended, the application sought planning permission for a replacement boundary wall and railings to the front, with high fencing above the wall further to the side and rear to enclose the conservatory and rear garden, along with 2 new gates, a replacement conservatory to main house (with the previously built canopy to the front of it now removed), and other external alterations, rear raised platform and steps, continued ancillary use of the annexe outbuilding (after proposed removal of the conservatory which has been added to it), new vehicular crossover and driveway for off road parking, and landscaping (which is part retrospective).
The proposal to render the house has now been removed from the scheme also. It is considered that the amendments negotiated make the scheme acceptable. The Conservatory was supplied by MF Plastics who are based in Coventry.

Application Planning Appraisal

Given the existing use of the outbuilding as ancillary accommodation to the main dwelling, it is considered that the continued use of the building in this way is not unacceptable, so long as it is restricted to that of a family member of the occupiers of the main dwelling. The reduced scale of it also by way of the proposed removal of the conservatory extension as amended will ensure it remains of the scale it has been in the past, and is limited, and will not encourage a more substantial use than just one that is related to the main dwelling.

Policy DE1 of the Local Plan seeks to ensure high quality design and development proposals
must respect and enhance their surroundings and positively contribute towards the local
identity and character of an area.
The National Planning Policy Framework, paragraph 127 states that “Planning policies and
decisions should ensure that developments:
a) will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development;
a) are visually attractive as a result of good architecture, layout and appropriate and effective landscaping;
b) are sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities);
c) establish or maintain a strong sense of place, using the arrangement of streets, spaces, building types and materials to create attractive, welcoming and distinctive places to live, work and visit;
d) optimise the potential of the site to accommodate and sustain an appropriate amount and mix of development (including green and other public space) and support local facilities and transport networks; and
e) create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users; and where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion and resilience.


The NPPF further states (at paragraph 130) “Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, taking into account any local design standards or style guides in plans or supplementary planning documents. Conversely, where the design of a development accords with clear expectations in plan policies, design should not be used by the decision-maker as a valid reason to object to development. Local planning authorities should also seek to ensure that the quality of approved development is not materially diminished between permission and completion, as a result of changes being made to the permitted scheme (for example through changes to approved details such as the materials used).”

The rebuilding of the conservatory to the dwelling is on the same footprint but is slightly higher than the existing, and the canopy previously erected to the front of it has now been removed. This was considered necessary for it not to appear visually too dominant in relation to the property, and now that it has been completed, it is considered to have mitigated the harm originally caused, and would be little different to the conservatory which was there before.

Furthermore, the proposed high wall with fence panels will strongly screen much of the views to the conservatory from the prominent views it currently has due to its wide open and elevated siting in the street, and has a similar visual impact to that which was there previously, given that high fences existed before.

The proposed walls, gates and fences were considered suitable in visual appearance and design for the dwelling and the street scene (including their height and scale), and concerning the higher sections, they are lesser in height than the boundary walls and fencing at the dwelling on the corner across the road, which is on average 2.4m - 2.65m at different points

The proposed development was considered to be acceptable in principle and will not result in any significant impact upon neighbour amenity, highway safety, ecology or the character of the area, subject to relevant conditions. The reason for Coventry City Council granting planning permission is because the development is in accordance with: Policies DE1, H5, AC2, AC3 and EM5 of the Coventry Local Plan 2016, together with the aims of the NPPF.

As of February 2022 En-Plan secured approval at the Coventry City Council Plasnning Committee where the application was heard. En-Plan represented the applicant and spoke on their behalf in orderr to ensure Committee members were full aware of the benefits of the schem and that local objections did not carry any planning merit.

If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please CONTACT US and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.


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March 2020

Approval received for new Place of Worship in Fakenham, Norfolk.

En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured this change of use for a new place or worship via Planning Consent from North Norfolk Council and subsequent Full Plans Building Regs approval for the revised layout.has now been received


Prior Approval Extension Coventry.

August 2023

Prior approval extension approved in Harefield Street, Coventry.

Utilising the Prior Approval Larger home extension scheme we have been able to gain consent for a new 4.5 metre ground floor extension on a terraced property in Harefield Road Coventry.



March 2020

New Boutique Hotel Planning Application 


En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have obtained retrospective planning approval for a boutique hotel that was the subject of a Planning Enforcement case. En-Plan have been bought in and achieved the consent to allow the ongoing use of this business.


Certificate fo Lawfulness granted in Wroxeter, Shropshire.

October 2023

Cetificate of Lawfulness Granted for side extension in Wroxeter, Shropshire.

Utilising Permitted Development rights for housholdes we have been able to gain permission for a modern ground floor kitchen extension on a farm house in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside in Wroxter


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Februrary 2020

Holiday Let Planning Application receives approval in Shropshire.

Utilising the existing garage planning approval has been granted to change its use to a new holiday let in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside. The project will now progresses to the building regs stage. To ensure correct conversion techniques and fire safety.


Property development in Chester.

Februrary 2023

Holiday Let Unit receievs building control approval in Chester.

A Building Regulations completion certifcate has been issued by Approved Inspectors and the property has now been utilised as a holiday let premises in Chichester Street in the heart of Chester.


En-Plan: Planning & Architectue Chartered Planning Consultants Chartered Town Planning Consultants


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