Planning Consultancy
Planning applications are the cornerstone for the planning system. Obtaining planning permission can bring about significant gains and help to maximise the value of your property. As a Planning and Architectural Consultancy EN-PLAN are able to advise you on how best to obtain planning permission no matter the size of the project, providing expert advice on issues to be taken into account prior to submission to the Local Planning Authority through to decision.
En-Plan Planning and Architectural Consultants work in both the rural and urban sectors and have dealt with a large range of projects from large residential developments to smaller contentious household extensions. We have dealt with all facets of rural planing from agricultural development of barn conversions either under the Part Q Prior Approval scheme or a full application. As a multi-skilled consultancy we really can offer you an integrated service that is dynamic and responsive.
Town and Country Planning in the UK refers to the process and framework for managing the use and development of land in order to promote sustainable and well-planned communities. It involves the regulation of various aspects of land use, including housing, infrastructure, transportation, environmental considerations, and the preservation of heritage and natural assets.
The Town and Country Planning system in the UK is governed by legislation and policies set out by the government. The key piece of legislation is the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which sets out the principles and procedures for land use planning. The system operates at different levels, with planning decisions being made by local authorities, such as district or borough councils, in line with national and local planning policies.
The main objectives of town and country planning in the UK include:
Managing development: The planning system aims to ensure that development occurs in appropriate locations and is in line with sustainable development principles. It seeks to balance economic, social, and environmental considerations when making decisions about land use.
Housing provision: Planning plays a crucial role in providing an adequate supply of housing. Local authorities are responsible for assessing housing needs and allocating suitable land for housing development. They also set affordable housing targets and ensure that new housing developments meet certain standards.
Infrastructure and transport: Planning takes into account the need for infrastructure, such as roads, schools, healthcare facilities, and utilities, to support new development. It also considers transportation requirements and encourages sustainable modes of transport, such as walking, cycling, and public transit.
Environmental protection: The planning system aims to protect and enhance the natural and built environment. It considers factors such as biodiversity, landscape, and heritage conservation when making decisions on development proposals. It also promotes sustainable practices, such as energy efficiency and waste management.
Public participation: The planning process allows for public participation and engagement, providing opportunities for individuals and communities to express their views on development proposals. Local authorities are required to consult with the public and stakeholders during the preparation of planning policies and the determination of planning applications.
Overall, town and country planning in the UK is a comprehensive system that seeks to balance competing interests and promote the long-term sustainability and livability of communities. It aims to create well-designed and well-functioning places that meet the needs of the present while safeguarding the needs of future generations.
The History of the Town Planning System
The history of the town planning system in the UK can be traced back to the late 19th century when rapid urbanization and industrialization led to significant challenges and issues in cities and towns. Here is an overview of the key milestones and developments in the history of town planning in the UK:
Public Health and Housing Reform: In the mid-19th century, concerns over public health and housing conditions in rapidly growing industrial towns led to the introduction of various Acts, such as the Public Health Act 1848 and the Housing Act 1890. These Acts aimed to improve sanitation, address overcrowding, and regulate new housing developments.
Garden City Movement: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Garden City Movement emerged as a response to the overcrowding and unhealthy living conditions in urban areas. Influential figures like Ebenezer Howard proposed the idea of planned communities that combined the benefits of both urban and rural living. The first garden city, Letchworth Garden City, was established in 1903.
The Town Planning Act 1909: This legislation introduced the concept of town planning in the UK. It allowed local authorities to prepare development plans, regulate land use, and acquire land for public purposes. It also enabled the creation of green belts around cities to control urban sprawl.
The Town and Country Planning Act 1947: This Act was a landmark moment in the history of town planning in the UK. It established a comprehensive planning system and introduced the concept of development control, requiring planning permission for most forms of development. The Act also established planning authorities and outlined the process for preparing development plans.
New Towns and Post-War Reconstruction: In the post-World War II period, the UK faced significant housing shortages and the need for urban reconstruction. The New Towns Act 1946 was enacted to establish new towns outside existing urban areas to accommodate population growth and promote the balanced distribution of industry. Several new towns, such as Milton Keynes and Cumbernauld, were built during this period.
Planning Policy and Reform: Over the years, planning policies and regulations have evolved to address changing social, economic, and environmental priorities. Notable reforms include the introduction of strategic planning through Regional Spatial Strategies, the simplification of the planning system through the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) introduced in 2012, which consolidated and streamlined planning guidance.
Sustainable Development and Community Engagement: In recent decades, there has been an increased emphasis on sustainable development and community participation in the planning process. The NPPF introduced the principle of sustainable development, requiring plans and decisions to balance economic, social, and environmental considerations. The Localism Act 2011 aimed to give communities more power and control over planning decisions through initiatives such as Neighbourhood Planning.
The town planning system in the UK continues to evolve, responding to contemporary challenges such as climate change, housing affordability, and the need for sustainable urban development. Planning policies and practices are regularly reviewed and updated to address these issues and shape the future of towns and cities in the UK.
What are the benefits of using a town plannig consultant?
Engaging the services of a town planning consultant can provide several benefits for individuals, businesses, and organizations involved in development projects. Here are some of the advantages of using a town planning consultant:
Expertise and Knowledge: Town planning consultants possess specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of urban planning and development. They are familiar with the intricacies of planning regulations, policies, and procedures, enabling them to navigate the complex planning system effectively. Their experience allows them to provide valuable insights and advice on how to achieve development goals while complying with planning requirements.
Planning Policy and Regulations: Planning policies and regulations can be intricate and subject to frequent changes. A town planning consultant keeps abreast of the latest planning policies, local development plans, and legal requirements. They can help clients understand and interpret the relevant policies and regulations, ensuring that development proposals align with the planning framework.
Planning Applications and Appeals: Town planning consultants assist with the preparation and submission of planning applications. They can help compile the necessary documents, conduct feasibility studies, and engage with relevant stakeholders. Additionally, if a planning application is refused, a consultant can provide guidance on the appeals process, including preparing and presenting the case at planning inquiries or hearings.
Strategic Advice and Guidance: Town planning consultants offer strategic advice to clients, helping them develop a clear and effective planning strategy for their projects. They can assess the feasibility of development proposals, identify potential constraints and risks, and propose solutions to overcome challenges. Consultants can also provide recommendations on maximizing development potential, optimizing land use, and achieving sustainable outcomes.
Engagement and Consultation: Public and stakeholder engagement is a critical aspect of the planning process. Town planning consultants can facilitate community consultation, ensuring that local residents, businesses, and organizations have the opportunity to provide input on development proposals. They can help organize public meetings, manage communication, address concerns, and build consensus, fostering positive community relationships.
Time and Cost Efficiency: Engaging a town planning consultant can help streamline the planning process, saving time and costs. Their expertise and knowledge of the system enable them to efficiently handle planning matters, reducing the risk of delays and unnecessary expenses. Consultants can guide clients through the various stages of the planning process, ensuring that requirements are met and deadlines are adhered to.
Mitigation of Risks: Town planning consultants can identify potential risks and challenges associated with development projects. They can conduct thorough site assessments, assess environmental impact, and advise on ways to mitigate risks. By addressing potential issues proactively, consultants help minimize the likelihood of planning refusals, objections, or costly delays.
Overall, town planning consultants bring specialized knowledge, experience, and strategic guidance to the table. Their involvement can enhance the prospects of successful planning outcomes, assist in navigating the planning process, and optimize the development potential of projects, thereby providing valuable support to clients pursuing their development objectives.
The key services we offer as a Planning Consultancy are:
Planning appraisals and Pre-Application Planning Advice
This initial appraisal of your project and property allow us to make an informed decision on the best way forward together and if required enter into a pre-application discussion with the Local Planning Authority in order to assess the proposal before too much time and money is invested in the scheme. READ MORE
Planning Applications
EN-PLAN routinely prepare and submit planning applications for a variety of proposals, ranging from small to medium sized redevelopments to larger development proposals and unique one-off projects for local developers and individuals. With a background in Local Authority Development Control, our planning consultants have an excellent and up-to-date understanding of planning law and legislation. We also prepare listed building applications and Certificates of Lawfulness that are detailed below. READ MORE
Planning Appeals
If you have had a refusal of planning permission, all is not lost. You can appeal the decision within 6 months of the date of the refusal notice (or 12 weeks for householder planning applications). READ MORE
Planning Enforcement
With a background in Local Authority Planning Enforcement our resident expert Neil Langley can guide your through this often complex area of planning. READ MORE
Barn Conversions
The conversion of rural buildings to residential dwellings can often throw up planning challenges. It is important to approach such conversions in the correct way in order to ensure the best case is presented to the local planning authority maximising your chances of the application being approved.
We have considerable experience within Norfolk and Suffolk and are able to offer the benefit of this to our clients. Early pre-application advice is always recommended. READ MORE
Residential Development
We have a proven track record of securing planing permission for new residential developemnt on difficult and constrained sites. Let us unlock the potential of your land. READ MORE
Rural Planning
Let us unlock the development potential in your land whether it is for agriculture or commercial we are ideally placed to meet the challenges of rural planning. READ MORE
Design & Access Statements
Created and crafted to ease planing applications through the planing system we always strive for excellence in this area. READ MORE
Change of Use Planning Applications
EN-PLAN has expertise in planning law and Change of Use planning permission can help you with obtaining land use consent. We can also give advice on the change of use application requirements and negotiating your responsibilities within this sector. READ MORE
Planning Objections
Is there a planning proposal in your area that will affect you, and against which you want to make a protest that will have real impact? Do you want to become an important third party in a planning appeal? These are all areas in which we specialise. READ MORE
Property Sub-division
f you have a larger property we can help you sub-divide the property into smaller flats in order to maximise the yield from the property and increase your cash flow. READ MORE
House in Multiple Occupation - HMO'S
We are able to guide you through the planning and building regulations system in order that we can deliver a bespoke development that will meet all regulatory requirements whilst maximising the financial return from your investment. READ MORE
Garages, Annexes and Outbuildings
A lot of these developments will not require planing permission but we can guide you through the planning system in order that you comply with the relevant legislation and gain planning approval where required. Whether you want your dream garden office or need a granny annex to ensure care for an ageing relative we will be able to provide planing and architectural services that will ensure success. READ MORE
Property Development
Let En-Plan: Planning & Architecture unlock the development potential of your property whether it is through a re-modelling of the property or an extension. We can help you achieve the maximum financial return and add real value to your to your development project. READ MORE
Rural Housing Consultants
Let En-Plan: Planning & Architecture help you with gaining planning approval for hosuing in the Open Countryside. We can help you naviagte the strict planning rules with regard to this in order to achieve success. READ MORE
Equine Development
Let En-Plan: Planning and Architecture provide you with Planning & Architectural services whether it is a small personal development or you are involved in the equine business. e have a proved track record of delivering success in this field. READ MORE
Certificates of Lawfulness
We can help you obtain a Certificate of Lawfulness by assisting your application to council and even seeing through an appeal if necessary. We do this by ensuring you have the right evidence to back up your application in the first place, as well as guiding you through any potential pitfalls along the way.
Prior Approval - Larger Home Extensions
The Prior Approval Scheme for larger home extensions now allows for between three and six metres extensions for terraced and semi-detached properties and up to eight metres for detached units.
Flood Risk Assessment
We can provide you with a Flood Risk Assessment to accompany a planning application in house as part of our one stop shop service. We have a proven track record of producing such assessments and having these approved by the Environment Agency. READ MORE
Advertisement Consent
We have the ability to provide you with the drawings and mapping you require to formulate a successful Advertisement Consent Application. READ MORE
Heritage Statements
For applications involving heritage assets a Heritage Statement will be required. We have a proven track record in this field and can produce concise Heritage Statements to accompany any such application. READ MORE
Digital Mapping
At En-Plan we can provide you with a range of digital mapping to meet all your needs whether it is mapping to accompany a planning application or mapping to be used in a lease agreement or land sale we have a cost effective solution. READ MORE
Highways & Access
At En-Plan we can provide you with the technical details required to unlock access to your site and gain approval from the Highways Engineers who will be consulted as part of any planning application. We have a proven track record in this area in unlocking development potential through providing the correct access complete with visibility soak-away details and radius details for the access itself based on the proposed use and road type. READ MORE
Discharging Planning Conditions
We pride ourselves on our after care of clients and as part of this we can help you discharge any conditions attached to your planing approval and can speedily deal with these in order that your development can progress. READ MORE
Variation of Condition Planning Applications
As we have seen above we can provide the detail to discharge a planning condition but we can also apply to have these varied or even removed post permission should you feel a minor materila amendment is required. READ MORE
Non-Material Amendments to a Planning Permission
Staying with the topic of how to alter a planing permission after a decision has been reached we move onto the topic of non-material amendments, whereby smaller changes to an application can be dealt with very speedily and with the minimum of fuss via an application that allows you to tie any alterations made during the construction process back in with the original permission. READ MORE
En-Plan Consultants look forward to answering any questions you may have as part of a free no obligation consultation to begin the planning and development process.