Planning Consultancy:
Planning Applications
EN-PLAN routinely prepare and submit planning applications for a variety of proposals, ranging from small to medium sized redevelopments to larger development proposals and unique one-off projects for local developers and individuals. With a background in Local Authority Development Control, our planning consultants have an excellent and up-to-date understanding of planning law and legislation. We also prepare listed building applications and Certificates of Lawfulness and can discuss any planning issues that may be affecting you as a third party
Initial work often involves a planning appraisal, which will involve making an assessment of the physical aspects of the site and the relevant planning policies that apply. This background information allows us to formulate a set of parameters that assist in the design process. Initially this may often be in sketch form in order to obtain pre-application advice from the local authority. Once we have established agreement relating to principles such as development, design, layout, scale, mass, density and form, we then progress with a formal planning application.
Planning application submission can be more complex than people think and can often involve submission of a number of supporting documents in order for the local authority to register the application. In most cases a Design and Access Statement is needed to present the proposals and demonstrate how the proposal relates to the site and surroundings and complies with relevant policies. En-Plan are adept at drafting Design and Access statements and present these in a thorough, structured and professional way. Often presentation of proposals can be key to gaining a successful planning permission. An example of our work can be found here.
The documents normally required for a planning application include:
Site location Plan
Block Plan
Existing plans and elevations
Proposed plans and elevations
Energy statement
Additional reports that are sometimes required:
Tree survey
Biodiversity survey
Transport Assessment / Highways & Access Statement
Heritage Statement (Heritage assets)
We work alongside a number of external consultants with the professional expertise to draft these reports and would be happy to assist you with this work as part of our services.
Planning Application Case Studies
The proposal is for the siting of two storage containers located within the Cubbington recreation grounds in an area to the Northeast of the existing Cliff Cleaver Pavilion (community centre), to provide a hobby room for the local community.
The application site is located in Cubbington recreation grounds. The site is owned and maintained by Cubbington Parish Council. The site is host to the Cliff Cleaver Pavilion community centre and a football pitch, used by local football clubs. The recreational grounds can be accessed off Stonehouse Close by car and has a car park on site.
En-Pan were able to demosnstrate with the help orf archietctural visualisation that the scheme would have no impact upon visual or residential amenity in the loccality and as such Warwick District Council granetd approval.
Further Infomation
If you have a specific planning or plan requirement please contact us to discuss this in more detail on Tel: 07931 541 804.
En-Plan Consultants look forward to answering any questions you may have as part of a free no obligation consultation to begin the planning and development