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Planning Appraisal Birmingham En-Plan: Planning Consultant for Norfolk Planning Consultants for Shrewsbury Planning Consultants for Shropshire


Planning Consultancy:

Planning appraisals

Initial work will often involve undertaking a site visit to assess the physical aspects of the site including:

  • Land use

  • Topography

  • Physical constraints e.g. trees, flooding, biodiversity, contamination

  • Character and appearance

  • Relationship with neighbouring sites

  • Contex

We will then undertake research of the relevant planning policies that apply and any planning history in order to create a profile of the site and the potential for development. We then conclude by making recommendations for the development potential or how to make progress towards this.

Pre-application enquiries 

This is a process that is advocated by local authorities. It is not a planning application. A pre-application enquiry is a process that involves sketch plans and proposals being submitted to the LPA for their consideration, before providing preliminary advice on the scheme and whether it is likely to gain planning approval.

Pre-application advice aims to set out the principles of development and what, if anything, is needed for the scheme to be supported by the LPA.

We regularly engage in pre-application discussions with LPAs as part of the planning process. It is our preferred approach to work with local authorities to gain planning approvals. Pre-application advice is the first step in the process of working towards a planning approval with the LPA. The benefits of pre-application advice include:

  • Quick and timely advice with minimal financial outlay

  • Agreeing principles up front with the LPA assists with a smoother planning process


Many local authorities charge for pre-application advice and depending on the nature of your proposals these fees can be costly. EN-PLAN can advise on the best course of action for progressing your proposal with the LPA. Get in touch to speak to one of our planners about this on Tel: 07931 541 804.

We will then undertake research of the relevant planning policies that apply and any planning history in order to create a profile of the site and the potential for development. We then conclude by making recommendations for the development potential or how to make progress towards this.

Pre-application enquiries and Advice

This is a process that is advocated by local authorities. It is not a planning application. A pre-application enquiry is a process that involves sketch plans and proposals being submitted to the LPA for their consideration, before providing preliminary advice on the scheme and whether it is likely to gain planning approval.

Pre-application advice aims to set out the principles of development and what, if anything, is needed for the scheme to be supported by the LPA.

We regularly engage in pre-application discussions with LPAs as part of the planning process. It is our preferred approach to work with local authorities to gain planning approvals. Pre-application advice is the first step in the process of working towards a planning approval with the LPA. The benefits of pre-application advice include:

  • Quick and timely advice with minimal financial outlay

  • Agreeing principles up front with the LPA assists with a smoother planning process

Many local authorities charge for pre-application advice and depending on the nature of your proposals these fees can be costly. EN-PLAN can advise on the best course of action for progressing your proposal with the LPA. Get in touch to speak to one of our planners about this on Tel: 07931 541 804.


Case Study:  New stables and agricultural storage unit. Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd, Chester, CH4 0ES






























Constraints identified

Coal Authority


Natural Resources Wales

Environmental Health

Highways Development Control

Relevant Policies


Flintshire Local Development Plan

STR2 The Location of Development

STR4 Principles of Sustainable Development , Design and Placemaking

STR8 Employment Land Provision

STR13 Natural and Built Environment ,Green Networks and Infrastructure

PC1 The Relationship of Development to Settlement Boundaries

PC2 General Requirements for Development

PC3 Design

PE4 Farm Diversification 


Consultation & Responses

As this application is a pre application enquiry no external statutory consultations have been carried out as this will be done with all statutory bodies at full planning submission stage if the applicant following the advice of this report decides to submit a formal planning application.


Internal consultation has been carried out with the following

  • Development Plans Policy

  • Highways Development Control

  • Environmental Health


This pre application enquiry seeks an opinion on the feasibility of the erection of  an L shaped stable block, the applicant has confirmed that the use of the stables are for

private use of the applicant. In addition to the stable block the enquiry also seeks an opinion on a detached single story agricultural store building to be used in connection with existing agricultural activity at Henffordd Farm, for the storage of tractor, trailer and feed.  The site is located in the open countryside where such uses are appropriate.


Proposed Use

Clarification on the intended use of the buildings has been sought , and its been confirmed that the use of both the stables and the agricultural store are for private use ,the agricultural store in connection with an existing agricultural use as such it is considered that there is a genuine need for the facilities and they are of appropriate scale.


Character and Appearance  

Both buildings are intended to be located in close proximity to adjacent buildings and  do not appear to form sporadic development. They are considered to be of a form, scale and design appropriate to their intended uses and form development appropriate to the location of the site.



The site appears to be served by an existing vehicular access point and internal access route. Highways have considered the proposal and have confirmed that they raise no objection in principle, provided any formal planning application submitted demonstrates adequate facilities can be provided and retained within the site for the loading, unloading, parking and turning of vehicles.



The proposed erection of a private stable building and agricultural store building to be used in connection with existing farming activity at Hennfordd Farm for storage of agricultural machinery and feed, of the location, scale and design proposed is considered broadly compliant with the above policies of the Flintshire Local Development Plan and would likely be supported.

En-Plan Consultants look forward to answering any questions you may have as part of a free no obligation consultation to begin the planning and development process.

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Shropshire Office


Back Lane

Bomere Heath



Norfolk Office

34 Queen Elizabeth Avenue

Kings Lynn


PE30 4BX

En-Plan: Planning & Architectue Chartered Planing Consultants Chartered Town Planning Consultants


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