Norfolk Office
34 Queen Elizabeth Avenue
Kings Lynn
PE30 4BX
"The Lyde", Minsterley, Shropshire.
Planning Application submitted for conversion of existing outbuilding to holiday let.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the applicants En-Plan drafted a scheme for a change of use application for the conversion of the existing outbuilding to a self-contained holiday let to give the family an additional source of income, and a full planning application was subsequently submitted to Shropshire County Council.
The site comprises an existing detached property amongst a loose scatter of dwellings and smallholdings on the western slopes of Bromlow Callow, one of a range of hills between the Hope and Rea valleys in the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The property is accessed via an unclassified lane which serves access to several residential properties at this location.
In terms of Planning Policy Part 6 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) advises that planning
policies should support economic growth in rural areas in order to create jobs and prosperity by taking a positive approach to sustainable new development. The provision of a self-contained holiday let will support local businesses as future occupiers will access and use local services and facilities. This economic boost
and support to local business shall in turn encourage and sustain strong and healthy communities, bringing wider social benefits. The Shropshire Core Strategy aligns with this objective by generally offering support to sustainable economic development, providing favourable attributes in terms of scale and design, which seek to protect the countryside in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). MD11: Tourism Facilities and Visitor Accommodation of the newly adopted Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan further supports tourism, leisure and recreation development where the proposals complement the character and quality of the site’s immediate surroundings.
Bromlow itself is recognised as forming part of a Community Cluster under the Shropshire Core Strategy Policy CS4: Community Hubs and Community Clusters and the Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan. In this locality, loose knit hamlets characteristically sit relatively close together where there
could be considered some ‘overlap’ of the peripheries of both settlements. In particular, the development site sits between Bromlow and Meadowtown. Whilst Meadowtown is relatively close knit, Bromlow is a more sporadic settlement with up to 100m separating individual properties within the settlement. With this context in mind, it is reasonably considered that the development site can be deemed as nearby the peripheries of this settlement. Accordingly, this establishes the development site as acceptable in principle. The principle of development is further bolstered by the scheme re-using an existing building.
Where amenity is concerned, the nearest residential neighbours are over 100m North-East of the site. At this distance the levels of noise and activity posed by a sole holiday let unit are not considered sufficient to adversely impact the amenity of neighbouring residents to warrant the refusal of this application. 8 The Lyde has a generous curtilage, which shall also provide sufficient space to allow the occupants of the holiday let and the main house to each have sufficient levels of privacy. The extensions are considered modest and in keeping with the main unit and wider area.
Fire escape arrangements from the building have been discussed with the Local Member, who has agreed that to the limited extent they are relevant, a plan showing fire escape route from the holiday let was sufficient for her to support the application and En-Plan were only too happy to provide this additonal information as this was required at the building regulations stage. The Local Member has agreed that Parish Council concerns should be noted.
Shropshire County Council Planning Department considered the principle of holiday let accommodation at this location is accepted, where the proposal both reuses an existing building and is considered near a settlement. The alteration works to facilitate the conversion are generally minor and accord with the relevant plan policies. There is not either any demonstrable harm in terms of residential nor visual amenities. The works to the main house are also considered of appropriate scale and design, and not resulting in harm to residential nor visual amenities. The application therefore accords with the principal determining criteria of the NPPF and relevant development plan policies namely CS6, MD2, CS16, CS17 and MD11, MD12. Approval was therefore recommended and was granted February 2020.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.
September 2019
Listed Building Consent granted in Minsterley, Shropshire
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February 2024
House Extension Application approved in Wroxeter, Shropshire.
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October 2021
Residential application submitted in Gateshead, Northumberland
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May 2020
House Extension Building Regulations approved in Derby.
En-Plan provided the building regulations technical detail to enable tthe extension to be built correctly and gain the important completion certificate needed for building work.
February 2020
House Extension Application submitted in High Wycombe.
This proposed house extension application to add a two-storey rear extension, and a new cinema room to the fore, has just been submitted to High Wycombe Council.
December 2023
House Extension Application approved in Ironbridge, Shropshire.
En-Plan have been working with the homeowners to re-model and extend the property to bring the property up to a good standard and meets the needs of a modern family.