Vownog View Porth-Y-Waen Oswestry Shropshire SY10 8LX
Proposed Development: Erection of a two-storey extension to side to create new first floor bedroom with en-suite and a rear facing balcony.
En-Plan were approached to act as the Planning & Architectural Consultants for a homeowner to produce a planning application for a house extension which would enhance his existing property with a first floor dual aspect bedroom with a bespoke wooden balcony located on the rear facing elevation. The application property is situated within the named settlement of Porth Y Waen, accessed off the A495 down a private driveway. A public footpath runs along the private drive, but diverts to the east prior to reaching the application site. The application property is not Listed and is not considered to be a heritage asset under Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
This proposed to be no issues with the planners due to the sensitive design that took the lead from the existing unit and the quality of the presentation that left no doubt that the development would enhance the property by building over the converted flat roof garage. The proposed development is considered to accord with the requirements of the Councils adopted policies and no contrary opinions have been received that would require determination of the application by Committee under the Scheme of delegation to Officers as set out in Part 8 of the Councils Constitution.
With regard to balconys they do require planning permission as the following extract from the Technical Guidance on house extensions shows:
"(h) it would include the construction or provision of a verandah, balcony or raised platform Verandahs, balconies and raised platforms are not permitted development under Class E. ‘Verandah’and balcony’ can be understood as set out on page 29. A raised platform is defined in the ‘General Issues’ section of this document, as any platform that has a height of more than 0.3 metres (see page 6). Garden decking will therefore be permitted development under Class E subject to it not exceeding this 0.3m height limit and subject to the other limits and conditions under this Class."
Designing balconies involves considering several key principles to ensure functionality, safety, aesthetics, and integration with the overall building design. Here are some design principles to keep in mind:
Structural Integrity: Balconies must be designed to support the intended loads, including people, furniture, and any additional elements such as planters. Structural calculations and engineering expertise are essential to ensure the balcony's stability and safety.
Safety and Codes: Balcony design should comply with local building codes and regulations, including requirements for balustrades, guardrails, and handrails. These safety features should be designed to prevent falls, with appropriate heights, spacing, and strength to provide adequate protection.
Aesthetic Integration: Balcony design should harmonize with the overall architectural style of the building. The materials, colors, and proportions should be chosen to complement and enhance the building's aesthetics, creating a visually pleasing and cohesive design.
Size and Proportion: Balcony size and proportions should be carefully considered to maintain visual balance with the building's facade. It should neither appear too large and overpowering nor too small and insignificant. The balcony's size should also be appropriate for its intended use, accommodating furniture and allowing comfortable movement.
Privacy and Views: Balconies should be designed to provide an enjoyable outdoor space while considering privacy concerns. Strategic placement, orientation, and screening elements such as louvers or vegetation can help maintain privacy while still allowing for pleasant views and natural light.
Weather Protection: Depending on the climate and location, it may be beneficial to incorporate features that provide weather protection. This could include roof structures, pergolas, retractable awnings, or windbreaks to enhance the usability of the balcony in different weather conditions.
Access and Circulation: The design should consider convenient and safe access to the balcony from the interior of the building. The flow of movement
The Planning Appraisal
Principle of development
Policy CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy advises that all new development must respect local distinctiveness, must protect, restore and enhance the natural built and historic environment as well as be appropriate in scale, density, pattern and design taking into account the local context and character including features which
contribute to local character. Policy MD2 of the SAMDev further builds on CS6, advising that new development must contribute to the form and layout of existing development and the way it functions, including streetscapes, building heights and lines, scale, density, plot size and local patterns of development.
Siting, scale and design of structure
The pitched single storey extension would be sited within an existing recess. The existing porch is to be removed replaced with a part singe storey pitched extension and a single storey extension, projecting forward of the principle front elevation. The extension will house a new hallway, boot room, w/c and stairway leading to the first floor, which will allow for the existing stairs to be removed and new internal reconfiguration provided.
Visual impact and landscaping
Having regard to the location of the extension sited within the existing complex, being of small scale and appropriate design which is in-keeping with the style and appearance of the original dwelling the development is considered to be acceptable. The development would not be directly visible from outside of the site.
There would limited impact upon off road parking. There would be no direct impact on the public right of way due to the proposed development. An informative will be included with the consent to advise the applicant of their responsibility not to obstruct of block the right of way along any part of the private driveway.
The proposed development is considered to be in-keeping with the character and appearance of the existing property and its setting. There would be no adverse loss of amenity of occupants of the property or neighbouring residents, nor would there be considered any highway safety implication. The development is therefore considered to comply with policies CS6 and MD2 of the SAMDev Plan.
Application Reference 16/03085/FUL
Application ValidatedTue 19 Jul 2016
AddressVownog View Porth-Y-Waen Oswestry Shropshire SY10 8LX
Proposal Erection of a two storey extension to side to create new first floor bedroom with en-suite and a rear facing balcony
Status - Granted
Decision - Grant Permission
Decision Issued Date - Wed 24 Aug 2016
Porth-Y-Waen, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8LX
Proposed Development: Change of use of redundant agricultural building to ancillary domestic building and associated landscaping.
Following the successful application to extend his property the homeowner at Vownog View looked to his outbuilding with a view to convert to a residential annex. This proved a little tricky as the outbuildings were classed as agricultural by Shropshire County Council. However, with the provision of more information demonstrating it had indeed been used as an ancillary domestic building for well in excess of ten years and the provision of case law in respect of our proposal EN-PLANty to use the accommodation far more flexibly in terms of additional family members staying at the property whilst still maintaining an element of independent living. In these days where family members live longer more fulfilling lives and where younger members struggle to get on the property ladder the provision of an annex allows for flexible living arrangements that are to the benefit of all. At EN-PLAN we were extremely happy with the result and the chance to hep a family in this way.
Application Type: Full Planning
Date Valid: 15/09/2017
Location: Vownog View, Porth-Y-Waen, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8LX
Proposal: Proposed Development: Change of use of redundant agricultural building to ancillary domestic building and associated landscaping
Decision: Full Granted
Decision Date: 28/05/2015
If you would like to see further examples of success in this field of planing lease refer to either our dedicated Residential Annexes Project Page or our Barn Conversion Projects Page and see how we have delivered success time and time again. Please contact us at anytime for a free initial consultation.