"Windyridge", Queens Road, Attleborough, Norfolk.
Proposed Development: Single-storey side extension
Following the initial discussion wit the applicant a single-storey rear extension was agreed on whereby the extension would forma a new entrance to the property and provide additional storage space for the kitchen and replace the less than complimentary lean to extension. The use of grey upvc and render would give the extension a contemporary feel and form a new domestic adjunct to the main dwelling.
The site and surroundings
The property is an inter war detached property located in the historic market town of Attleborough located in the county of Norfolk, England. It has a long and interesting history that spans centuries. Here's an overview of the history of Attleborough. The area around Attleborough has evidence of human habitation since prehistoric times. Archaeological discoveries indicate that the region was settled during the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. Attleborough's history can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon period when it was known as "Aetelburh." It was part of the Kingdom of East Anglia, and the name "Attleborough" is believed to have derived from the Old English words "aetel" meaning noble and "burh" meaning fortification. After the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, Attleborough came under Norman rule. The town grew around a market that was established in the 12th century, becoming a center for trade and commerce. It was granted a royal charter in 1296, which further bolstered its status. During the Middle Ages, Attleborough prospered as a market town and developed a textile industry, specializing in the production of woollen cloth. The town's location on a major road linking Norwich and London contributed to its growth and economic importance. Attleborough has a strong religious history. The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, originally dating from the 11th century, played a central role in the community. The church underwent several modifications and expansions over the centuries. Attleborough experienced significant changes during the Industrial Revolution, with the development of manufacturing industries such as textiles and engineering. The arrival of the railway in the mid-19th century improved connectivity and further stimulated economic growth. In recent years, Attleborough has seen expansion and development as a residential area. The town has undergone urbanization, with new housing estates and amenities being built to accommodate the growing population. Today, Attleborough is a thriving town that retains its historic character while embracing modernity. It features a mix of historic buildings, including timber-framed houses and Georgian architecture, along with modern infrastructure and facilities. The town's market tradition continues to this day, with regular market days attracting visitors and locals alike. Attleborough's rich history and convenient location make it an attractive place to live and visit in Norfolk.
The key issues of consideration with this application are the design and appearance of the proposal and the
impact on the amenities of the adjoining neighbours having regard to Policies DC16 and DC1 respectively.
Design and appearance
The proposal seeks the erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear of the property measuring
5.9m in depth, 2.5m in width and 2.8m in height. The proposed materials for the extension are render. Given
that the proposed development extends slightly to the side of the property, there will be some visibility from
the public highway. However, the dwelling is set back from the highway and benefits from a good degree of
boundary screening at the front of the site which significantly restricts its visibility. On this basis, it is not
considered that the proposal would have a significant impact on the street scene. The size and scale of the
proposed extension is considered to be proportionate and subservient to the host dwelling. It is considered
that the size and scale of the proposed extension could be carried out under permitted development if the
proposed materials matched the existing dwelling. In terms of the contrasting materials, they are considered
to compliment the character and appearance of the existing dwelling and are therefore considered to be
acceptable. The proposal is overall considered to satisfy the requirements of Policy DC16 in terms of design
and appearance.
Impact on amenities of adjoining neighbours
The impact on amenities of adjoining neighbours were considered having regard to Policy DC1. The
neighbour at 65 Queens Road has objected to the proposal due to the height of the extension and proximity to the boundary of the property given the difference in ground levels between the two sites and the impact
this will have on their rear conservatory. The application site was viewed from the neighbours conservatory.
Given that the proposed extension does not extend as far as the neighbours conservatory and the orientation
of the site, it is not considered that there would be any significant loss of light to the conservatory. Whilst,
there is a difference in ground levels (22 inches/55 cm), which would increase the height of the proposed
extension to 3.35m when viewed from the neighbours side. In overall planning judgement terms and having
also assessed the impact from the neighbouring property, it is not considered in terms of the overall planning
balance of the scheme that the size, siting and height of extension would adversely impact on the amenities
of the adjoining neighbour having regard to Policy DC1.
The proposal is considered on balance to be acceptable in planning terms and is accordingly recommended
for approval, subject to conditions.
This application is a cost effective solution to a storage and circulationn issues within the existing property.
Application Ref: 3PL/2018/0836/HOU
Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension
Location: Windyridge, Queens Road, Attleborough, Norfolk
Received: 30/06/2018
Validated: 17/07/2018
Decided: 10/09/2018