Jervis Street, Hanley, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire.
Loft conversion with dormers to the front and rear and new single storey rear extension to facilitate new utility and bathroom.
Following an initial planning appraisal a formal planning application was submitted to Stoke City Council Planning Department for dormer to the rear that would facilitate the conversion of the loft space and a new en-suite bedroom, and the creation of a single storey rear extension that allows the bathroom to move and a new ultity room for the house to be created. Internal the internal hallway between the kitchen and lounge will be removed to enable a kitchen/diner that would be comensurate with a three bedroom family home with the new utility room and bathroom configuration improving the domestic function of the property.
The rear facing dormer would be approximately 3.8m wide, 3.5m long and 2.2m high. The dormer would create approximately 14.7 cubic metres volume and this would be considered permitted development, however the materials proposed do not match those of the existing property. The applicant is proposing a zinc cladding to the external elevations. This is considered acceptable as the dormer is located to the rear of the roof space and would not be visible from the street scene. Further to this the location of the development is within an area of mixed design in terms of extensions to properties and therefore it would not be considered as having a significant adverse impact on the host property or the overall location. This development would create a third bedroom to the dwelling and would be serviced with outlook and light.
The applicant has revised the design to remove the front dormer and has introduced two roof lights to the front facing roof space. This could be done under permitted development and is therefore considered acceptable. The room which would be serviced in terms of light and outlook appears as a study on the proposed floor plans. As this would not be considered as a habitable room no concerns have been raised relating to outlook from this room. As such the loft conversion was considered acceptable.
The single storey house extension element would impact light and outlook from the proposed kitchen/dining room. However as this has been proposed on plan by the applicant, it is considered that this is done in the full knowledge of the applicant and therefore this does not raise a concern. There are windows located on the side elevation of the adjoining property, no.24, however due to the arrangement of the existing single storey elements of both of these properties and considering the impact of the development at no.28, it is not considered that this element would have a significantly adverse impact which would exacerbate the existing situation, warranting a refusal of the scheme. Further to this the occupiers of this property have raised no concerns upon consultation.
The development would leave adequate amenity space for outdoor recreational activity associated with family life and is considered acceptable in terms of size and scale. The development would comply with the Urban Design SPD and would not be considered as obtrusive to the host property.
The proposal is considered to be acceptable in terms of design, amenity and highway safety and would deliver sustainable development in accordance with the NPPF.
What is Zinc Seam?
Zinc is a popular material for roofing and façades due to its durability, flexibility, and attractive finish. When applied as a building envelope, sheets of zinc are typically joined together at seams. There are different techniques to join these sheets:
Standing Seam: This is a common method used in metal roofing, including zinc. In a standing seam system, the edges of the zinc panels are folded, either over each other or around a hidden clip, to form a raised seam. The seam is then crimped or mechanically closed, ensuring a watertight and neat finish. Standing seam roofs are known for their long, straight lines and are particularly popular in modern and contemporary architecture.
Flat Lock Seam: In this method, sheets of zinc are locked together on all four sides using a flat seam. It provides a flat appearance and is often used for wall cladding, roofs, and other architectural details.
Double Lock Seam: This is a variation of the flat lock, where the seam is folded back on itself twice, creating a tight and durable connection.
In construction and architecture, the term "zinc seam" could likely be shorthand for any of these seaming techniques when used with zinc sheeting. If you have a specific project or application in mind, it might be helpful to consult with a contractor or architect who has experience with zinc as a building material to get more precise and tailored advice.
Further Information
En-Plan Planning & Architecture have a proven track record of delivering extensions and loft conversions. If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

November, 2018
New basement and swimming pool approved in the Green Belt, Upminster, Essex.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured planning approval for a new basement development and swimming pool in the Metropolitan Green Belt in Essex
If you would like to see more examples please refer to our Residential Extensions page.

February 2021
Planning Application for a new residentail annex at Broome Chapel in Noroflk approved.
South Noroflk Council have granted consent for a two-storey residential annex to the rear of the historic Broome Chapel.
En-Plan have also provided the technical build detail that allowed the for the project in South Noroflk to progress.

November 2018
Bungalow re-model Planning Application approved in the Green Belt in Upminster, Essex.
With alterations to the roof design and balconies added to the newly created first floor bedrooms this re-model in the Green Belt has now moved to the building regs phase.
If you would like to find out more about our Building Regulations phase pelase click on the link.

March 2018
Two-storey side extension that will add two new bedrooms approved in the Norfolk Countryside.
By obtaining permission of the extension En-Plan have allowed the owners to double the size of the property and be adding two new bedrooms to this nineteenth century property.
Plese refer to our Residential Extensions page for more examples.

January 14, 2017
Planning Application for loft conversion with dormers submitted in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Bespoke zinc clad dormers added to this planning application to give it a contemporary stylish look and open up the converted loft space.
If you would like to find out more about Loft Conversions please click on the link our please contact us for more information.

May 2019
Planning Application approved for the creation of a new flat in Norwich, Norfolk.
A Change of Use Plannig Application has alllowed fo the creation of a new flat in place of a hairdressing Salon in a row of existing shops in Thorpe St. Andrew in Norwich.
The appliocation site lies in the Broadland District Council area of Norfolk.