New Works, Telford, Shropshire
Planning Application submitted and approved for the extension and re-modelling of a bungalow to add a loft conversion and extensions to the side and rear.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the applicants En-Plan submitted a planning application that was subsequently submitted to and approved by Telford & Wrekin Council . We were able to demonstrate the fallback position of what the applicant could extend the property by without planning permission under their permitted development rights as a householder thereby highlighting that the extensions proposed were proportionate given the fallback position of permitted development.
The decision to grant planning permission has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 2011 - 2031 set out below, and to all relevant material considerations, including National and Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Telford & Wrekin Local Plan:
BE1 Design criteria
BE2 Residential Alterations
National guidance:
National Planning Policy Framework
This application is for the erection of a two storey front extension, a single storey side and rear extension, installation of 6no. roof lights, proposed loft conversion and rendering of existing brickwork. This application has been submitted following the approval of TWC/2019/1045, as the applicant now wishes to make some changes to the previously approved application.
The Local Planning Authority considers that the scale and design of the proposed scheme is acceptable, preserving and enhancing the character and appearance of the application dwelling and surrounding area; this is by virtue of the materials, roof form and roof pitch proposed. The scheme will also respect and respond positively to its context and that of the surrounding area. The Local Planning Authority considers that the use of render for the external walls of the application dwelling and proposed extensions is an acceptable alteration that will not result in significantly detrimental harm upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area.
Despite the proposed single storey side and rear extension being relatively large in scale and close to the boundary line of the application site and neighbouring dwellings, the proposed site plan submitted has detailed the height and extent of fencing proposed on the boundary lines of the application site. Also, the proposed single storey side and rear extension will be constructed with a flat roof; as such, there will be no significantly detrimental harm upon the residential amenity of neighbouring dwellings in the form of loss of light, loss of privacy or overlooking.
Following on from the formal consultation period, the Local Highways Authority have raised no objection to the proposed scheme; furthermore, no neighbour objections have been received following the formal consultation period.
As such, the proposed scheme is considered to be compliant with the Development Plan and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received, and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

December 2019
Loft Conversion and new full height dormer window receives planning approval in Hampshire.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured approval for a new master bedroom and en-suite for this family home in Waterlooville.
If you would like to see more examples of loft conversions please refer to our dedidctaed loft conversion page.

May 2022
Residential conversion of commercial unit approved in Cannock Town Centre.
En-Plan have obtaiend apporval for the creation fo 12 new flats in the three upper floors of Cromwell House in Cannock.

September 2019
Residential application submitted in the Green Belt, in Gateshead, Northumberland
With contemporary zinc clad roofs and modern vernacular this recent submission for two new units will take full advantage of it's rural setting to form a stunning development.
If you would like to see more examples please refer to our Rural Hosuing Consultants page.

June 2022
Rear extension apporevd in Coventry undr ther Prior Approval SCheme.
En-Plan have receievdd approval for a new rear extension at a property on Hardy Road in Coventry to allow the property developemt to progress.

September 2019
Two-storey House Extension Application submitted and approved in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
This proposed house extension application to add a two-storey rear extension, and a new cinema room to the fore, has just been submitted to High Wycombe Council.
If you would like to see more exam[ples please refer ot our dedicated Home Extensions page.

July 2023
Residential annex extension approved at Broome Chapel in Norfolk.
Plannig pemission for a three bedroom residential extension approved to the rear of the historic Broome Chapel on Sun Road.