Prior Approval Planning Application submitted and approevd for a new conservatory extension in Coventry.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the client En-Plan: Planing & Architecture formulated and submitted a prior approval planning application to Coventry City Council for a single-storey conservatory to replace the existing building works which have been completed to a poor standard and will not pass building regulations. En-Plan have been bought in to solve this issue and remediate any work done and ensure the proposal and the development of the property as a whole can be completed as it had stalled prior to En-Plan being appointed to push the project forward.
The issue En-Plan were presented with was the creation of too shallow a pitch on the roof of an eixtsing extension. A roof with too low of a pitch can lead to several problems and challenges. The pitch, or slope, of a roof is important for shedding water, preventing leaks, and ensuring proper drainage. A low-pitched roof may not effectively shed water, leading to water pooling or ponding on the roof's surface. This can increase the risk of leaks and put additional stress on the roofing materials. Over time, standing water can cause structural damage and contribute to premature roof deterioration. Roofs with low pitches are more susceptible to water infiltration. Rainwater, snowmelt, or debris can accumulate on the roof's surface, finding its way through seams, joints, or penetrations in the roofing material. This can lead to interior water damage and mold growth.
Low-pitched roofs restrict the choice of roofing materials that can be used effectively. Some materials, such as asphalt shingles, may not perform well on low-pitched roofs. This limitation can impact the aesthetics and durability of the roof. Roofing materials on low-pitched roofs are exposed to more moisture and may not last as long as they would on roofs with steeper slopes. This can result in more frequent roof replacements or repairs, increasing maintenance costs over time. In regions with cold winters, low-pitched roofs can be prone to ice dam formation. Ice dams occur when snow on the roof melts, flows down, and then refreezes at the eaves. This can lead to water backing up under the roofing material and causing damage to the roof and interior. Low-pitched roofs often result in limited or unusable attic or living space. This can be a drawback if you're looking to convert your attic into a usable area or need extra storage space. Low-pitched roofs may have limited space for adequate ventilation. Proper ventilation is essential for regulating temperature and moisture in the attic, which can impact energy efficiency and the longevity of the roof. Low-pitched roofs may not be as visually appealing as roofs with steeper slopes. They can lack architectural character and may not complement the design of certain buildings.
To mitigate these problems, it's essential to choose the right roofing materials and ensure proper installation techniques. In some cases, you may need to install a built-up roof system or a membrane roof to accommodate a low-pitched design effectively. Consulting with a professional roofer or architect can help you make informed decisions regarding roof pitch and materials based on your specific needs and local climate conditions. In this instance En-Plan were abel to source a glass roof for the extension as this was the cheapest and quickest option to rectify the issue on the house extension.
A glass roof, often referred to as a skylight or glass canopy, can offer several benefits, depending on its use and design. Glass roofs allow an abundance of natural light to enter a space, which can reduce the need for artificial lighting during the daytime. This not only enhances the aesthetics of the area but also contributes to energy efficiency by reducing electricity consumption. Maximizing natural daylight through a glass roof can help improve indoor lighting quality and create a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere in homes, offices, or public spaces. Glass roofs can also help with passive solar heating, allowing sunlight to warm the interior space, which can reduce heating costs in colder months. Proper insulation and shading can further enhance energy efficiency. A glass roof can create a seamless connection to the outdoor environment, allowing occupants to enjoy views of the sky, stars, and surrounding nature. This can enhance the overall experience of a space, whether it's a living room, conservatory, or commercial atrium. Increased exposure to natural light has been associated with improved mood, productivity, and well-being. Glass roofs can help create a brighter and more inviting environment, which can positively impact the mental and emotional state of occupants. Glass roofs can be aesthetically pleasing and provide a modern and elegant architectural element to a building. They can add a sense of spaciousness and openness to interior spaces and create visually striking designs. While glass roofs can provide solar heating benefits, modern designs often incorporate features like UV-filtering coatings and shading systems to control excessive solar gain during the summer months, preventing overheating and glare. Glass roofs in greenhouses or conservatories provide ideal conditions for indoor plants, allowing them to thrive and creating a suitable environment for gardening and horticulture. Glass roofs can offer protection from rain and other weather elements while still allowing you to enjoy the sound of raindrops hitting the glass. This can create a unique ambiance in the space.The addition of a well-designed glass roof can enhance the market value of a property by adding a distinctive and attractive feature.
It's important to note that the benefits of a glass roof can vary depending on factors such as the quality of materials used, design, location, and maintenance. Additionally, the potential drawbacks of a glass roof include the need for adequate insulation to prevent heat loss in colder climates, the potential for overheating in hot climates, and the need for regular cleaning to maintain clarity and visibility. Proper design and professional installation are essential to maximize the advantages of a glass roof while addressing any potential challenges.
The Planning Process
The Prior Approval application received apporval from the Council as it complied with the following criteria:
a. The dwellinghouse is not on article 2(3) land (within a designated conservation area) or a site of special scientific interest.
b. The materials used in any exterior work (other than materials used in thebconstruction of a conservatory) are of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the exterior of the existing dwellinghouse
c. The extension exceeds 4 metres in height.
d. The extension extends beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 8 metres in the case of a detached dwellinghouse, or 6 metres in the case of any other dwellinghouse.
e. As a result of the works, the total area of ground covered by buildings within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse (other than the original dwellinghouse) exceeds 50% of the total area of the curtliage (excluding the ground area of the original dwellinghouse);
f. The height of the extension exceeds the height of the highest part of the roof of the existing dwellinghouse;
g. the height of the eaves of the extension exceeds the height of the eaves of the existing dwellinghouse;
h. The extension does not extend beyond a wall which fronts a highway and forms a principle elevation or a side elevation of the original dwellinghouse.
i. If the extension is within 2 metres of the boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse, the height of the eaves of the extension does not exceed 3 metres.
j. If the extension would extend beyond a wall forming a side elevation of the original dwellinghouse, the extension;
(i) does not have a width greater than half the width of the original dwellinghouse, or
(i) does not consist of or includes
- the construction or provision of a veranda, balcony or raised platform,
- the installation, alteration or replacement of a microwave antenna
- the installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, flue or soil and
vent pipe, or
- an alteration to any part of the roof of the dwellinghouse.
Were the application not to comply with any of the above a full planning application would be required which entails more stringent rules.We also have a dedicated Prior Approval page that details further example of how we have helped clients realise the development potential in their properties, and our Building Regulations Page which showcases our technical knowledge in this field. The planning application has progressed and approval for the scheme was granted in August 2020.
The Construction Phase
The technical building regulations detail for the remediation work was submitted to Coventry City Council Building Control Department and recievd apporval. The work was completed in conjunction with them, although the following areas had to be addressed during the construction phase:
Where it is intended to demolish part of the original building to ensure that the proposal complies with Part 1 of Schedule 2, Class A i) (i). All demolition work identified within the proposal description must be completed prior to the commencement of the proposed extension. Failure to complete all demolition work may result in your proposal requiring planning permission even where the original building is subsequently removed. En-Plan ensured correct project sceduling in this respect.
Building Regulations
All extensions are subject to due compliance with the Building Regulations, local Acts and Regulations and with all other relevant statutory provisions in force in Coventry and nothing herein contained is to be regarded as dispensing with such compliance beyond the extent herein specified. As the proposal was retrospective in nature a Regularisation Certificate would be required for the building works.
Party Walls Act
The Owners were advised that if your proposal involves works covered by the Party Walls etc Act 1996. You are recommended to seek independent advice. Booklets are available from the Planning Advisory Desk &
HMSO. Please be aware that if any part of the development (such as foundations, guttering, windows, ventilation systems or pipes etc.) proposals before commencing any works. En-Plan liaised with Building Control and adjacent occupiers to ensure all relevant consents were in place.
Protected Species
A number of European Protected Species are found in Coventry. Pleasebe aware that any development may have implications and / or adverseimpact on species and habitats which are protected by the Wildlife &Countryside Act 1981; the Habitat Regulations 1994; the Conservationof Habitats & Species Regulations 2010 and by other EuropeanLegislation. The permission given by this notice does not override theprotection afforded to these species and their habitats. Please be awarethat it is the developers / landowners / contractors responsibility toensure that any work being carried out will not harm any protectedspecies. (For more information on protected species please seehttp://www.naturalengland.gov.uk)If evidence of protected species is found, work should stop immediatelywhile Warwickshire Museum Ecology Unit (01926 418074) or NaturalEngland (01453 764450) are contacted for advice on the best way toproceed. If any conditions concerning protected species are attached tothis decision you are advised to contact Warwickshire Museum EcologyUnit (01926 418074) or www.warwickshire.gov.uk/museum for advicebefore commencing development or submitting any necessary discharge infomation. No protected species were found on site and no Ecological Foreman was appointed.
Water Public Sewer
Severn Trent Water advised that there is a public sewer located within the application site. Public sewers have statutory protection by virtue of the Water Industry Act 1991 as amended by the Water Act 2003 and you
may not build close to, directly over or divert a public sewer without consent. En-Plan with the help of gthe contractors located the sewer and were able to demonstrate that no impact woukld occurr as a result of the extension.
Coal Authority
The proposed development lies within a coal mining area which may contain unrecorded mining related hazards. If any coal mining feature is encountered during development, this should be reported to The Coal
Authority. It should be noted that this site may also lie within an area where a current licence exists for underground coal mining. Any intrusive activities which disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) requires the prior written permission of The Coal Authority. Property specific summary information on coal mining can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at www.groundstability.com. No problems were encountered in this regard.
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

March 2020
Approval received for new Place of Worship in Fakenham, Norfolk.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured this change of use for a new place or worship via Planning Consent from North Norfolk Council and subsequent Full Plans Building Regs approval for the revised layout.has now been received

Februrary 2021
Prior Approval extension approved in Romford, Essex, by Havering Council.
Utilising the Larger Home Extension scheme En-Plan have gained planning apporval for a kitchen extension at a terraced proeprty in Romford Essex which adds two metres onto an eixsting extension.

March 2020
New Boutique Hotel Planning Application
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have obtained retrospective planning approval for a boutique hotel that was the subject of a Planning Enforcement case. En-Plan have been bought in and achieved the consent to allow the ongoing use of this business.

March 2022
Bungalo re-model completed in Littleover, Derby.
This property re-model that inlcudes a loft conmvrsion and rear extension has been completed in Littleover, Derby, after receiving approval from Derby City Council following negotiation over the proposed dormers.

Februrary 2020
Holiday Let Planning Application receives approval in Shropshire.
Utilising the existing garage planning approval has been granted to change its use to a new holiday let in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside. The project will now progresses to the building regs stage. To ensure correct conversion techniques and fire safety.

April 2021
Off road parking approved in the Monkmoor Conservatrion Area.
Utilising the existing front paved area En-Plan were able to agin approval for the removal of a wall to allow for the creation of an off-road parking space in the Monkmoor Conservation Area in Shrewsbury.