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Bungalow re-model apporved in Gerpins Lane Upminster Essex.


Shropshire Office


Back Lane

Bomere Heath



Norfolk Office

34 Queen Elizabeth Avenue

Kings Lynn


PE30 4BX

Gerpins Lane, Upminster, Essex.


Revisions to bungalow re-model approved.

Following an initial planning application for a full bungalow re-model in the London Green Belt that doubled the size of the unit En-Plan planning & Architecture were brought in to secure planning approval for a new basement and swimming pool extension complete with landscaping scheme which was subsequently approved (please see link below to this scheme).   The applicants then asked us to re-model this approval to alter the roof design and add balconies to the upstairs bedrooms which we subsequently did and submitted ot Havering Council Planning Department as part of a planing application to vary the original approval to reflect the changes made.  This was approved by the Council and in turn has added a more contemporary feel to the design and a real wow factor with the balconies.  The project is now at the Gas Monitoring stage whereby the results will inform how the basement will be constrcuted and what protection measures will need to be included in the scheme. Watch this space for further developments.

Through the above  permission permitted development rights were withdrawn for Classes A to F and also
restrictions on any walls, fences or other means of enclosure be erected under Part 2, Class A.  As such when the woner wanted a double garage at the preperty En-Plan needed to apply for permission.  A synpathetci design was formulated and a householder planning application submitted.

With regard to the planning assessment of Planning Application P0378.23 Section 13 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF/the Framework) attaches great importance to the Green Belt, the essential characteristics of which are its openness and permanence. The Framework states that inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. When considering any planning application, local planning authorities are required to ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. Very special circumstances will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations.

Para 149 of the NPPF states that a Local Planning Authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate development in the Green Belt however details a number of exceptions which include "the provision of appropriate facilities (in connection with the existing use of land or a change of use) for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation as long as the facilities preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it" at Para 149(b). Furthermore at Para 149(c) the Framework allows for the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building.

Whilst volume and the overall amount and extent of built form can reduce openness the creation of ancillary buildings within residential curtilage has long been regarded as being acceptable in principle; indeed permitted development rights will generally allow for such development. In this case permitted development rights were withdrawn however this did not preclude against the applicant seeking permission for an outbuilding. The purpose of withdrawing the condition was to enable control of its location and scale and more generally its appropriateness given the volume increase and Green Belt setting. Elsewhere in the borough within the Green Belt outbuildings have been approved within residential curtilage on the basis that the host dwelling has not been extended disproportionately and that the provision of an outbuilding has not contributed unacceptably to this perception with consideration given to the purposes of including land within the Green Belt also.
Having regard to the scheme the Council found the scale of the outbuilding is  subservient and practical as submitted. The position of the outbuilding is close to the main dwelling and therefore would not unacceptably encroach into more undeveloped parts of the site which is observed to have a rural character. On balance the Council found the proposal would align with the objectives of the Framework including the purposes of icluding land within it and it is not considered that there would be any grounds with which to withhold permission.

This Residential Extensions and Alterations SPD aims to provide clear design guidance to householders, developers, planners, the public and other parties involved in bringing forward residential extensions and alterations within Havering. It seeks to explain what the Council looks for when considering planning applications, and aims to ensure householder development is sympathetic to the existing property and the street scene and does not detrimentally affect the living conditions of neighbouring properties.

Havering Council's Residential Extensions and Alterations SPD provides further guidance on outbuildings
incidental to the use of a dwelling house. It requires that outbuildings are subordinate in scale to the existing dwelling and to the plot respectively. With consideration given to this following revisions to the scheme which omit an office within the roof, the outbuilding is much reduced in terms of scale and mass. It is hard to reason that it would not exhibit adequate levels of subservience to the main dwelling house and would appear proportionate to both the main dwelling and plot more generally.

Policy 7 of the Havering Local Plan 2016-2031 (HLP) states that planning permission will not be granted where the proposal results in unacceptable overshadowing, loss of sunlight/ daylight, overlooking or loss of privacy, noise, vibration and disturbance to existing and future residents. This policy is to be read in conjunction with Policy 26 however the objectives are reflected in Policy 34 also which further requires consideration of human health and safety and the natural environment by noise, dust, odour and light pollution, vibration and land contamination. The Council found the application site and accordingly the proposed outbuilding is well removed from nearby residences such that there would be no impacts on amenity. Due to the scale, nature and location of the proposals there are also no highways considerations.  In light of all these points the scheme was found to be acceptable and planning permission was granted.

If you have a property that you would like to would like to extend and would like to discuss how our Planning Consultancy, Architetcurural Services, and our Building Control knowledge, can unlock the development potential please contact us for a free no obligation consultation.


Planning Application for a new basement and swimming pool approved in Essex.

January 14, 2017

New basement and swimming pool approved in the Green Belt,

New accommodation approved in a new basement that leads out onto a sunken swimming pool in the London Green Belt.

Please refer to our Residential Development page for more examples of devlopment in this field


Newton Close Trowse Norfolk Extension.

February 2019

New House extension completedd in Towse, Norfolk.

En-Plan: Planning & Architecture are proud to showcase a conmpleetd contemporary extension in Trowse, Norwich, Norfolk.

Please refer to our Residential Extensions page for mroe examples of successful extensions.


Planning Application for new agricultural development approved.

January 14, 2017

New Agricultural Development Approved in Essex.

A new commercial duckery and greenhouse has been approved at this property in ssex allowing the applicants a new income stream.

Please refer to our Rural Development page for more successful projects in this area.


House Extension Approved Woxeter Shropshire.

September 2023

New House Planning Application Approved in Wroxeter, Shropshire.

En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured consent for a new modern extension to a house in Wroxeter, Shropshire using the Certificate of Lawfulness route in order to avoid The Planing Department becoming involved in the design of the project.


New house approved in Garvestone, Norfolk.

January 14, 2017

New House Planning Application Approved in Garvestone, Norfolk.

En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured consent for new detached dwelling in the picturesque village of Garvestone in Norfolk.

Pleasew refer to our Residential Development page for more successful projects in this area.


Upper House Ironbridge Shropshire

October 2023

Property development of Upper House which is located in the Ironbdrige.

En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured consent for the removal of a chimmney and internal alterations to this property in the Ironbridge Unesco World Heritage Site, following negotiation with Telford and Wrekin Council.


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