Planning Application submitted for new single-storey rear extension home extension in Hafren Road, Copthorne, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the client En-Plan: Planing & Architecture formulated a householder planning application that was subsequently submitted and approved by Shropshire County Council Planning Department. The application creates a new kitchen and lounge extension at ground floor level and has the same external finish as the main unit and a new bespoke roof lantern will flood the extension with light and ensure the existing lounge receives the required level to ensure it also remains a usable family room.
The design itself will fit in with the aims and objectives of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan which aims to raise the quality of design across the town, particularly for new housing. We will develop what we will call “The Shrewsbury Test” to raise standards for all new development. The proposla was also judged against te Policies contained with te SamdevThe SAMDev Plan was adopted by Shropshire Council on 17 December 2015. Policy MD2 : Sustainable Design reuires develoment to acieve the following:
1. Respond positively to local design aspirations, wherever possible, both in terms of visual appearance and how a place functions, as set out in Community Led Plans, Town or Village Design Statements, Neighbourhood Plans and Place Plans.
2. Contribute to and respect locally distinctive or valued character and existing amenity value by:
i. Responding appropriately to the form and layout of existing development and the way it functions, including mixture of uses, streetscape, building heights and lines, scale, density, plot sizes and local patterns of movement; and
ii. Reflecting locally characteristic architectural design and details, such as building materials, form, colour and texture of detailing, taking account of their scale and proportion; and
iii. Protecting, conserving and enhancing the historic context and character of heritage assets, their significance and setting, in accordance with MD13; and
iv. Enhancing, incorporating or recreating natural assets in accordance with
3. Embrace opportunities for contemporary design solutions, which take reference from and reinforce distinctive local characteristics to create a positive sense of place, but avoid reproducing these characteristics in an incoherent and detrimental style.
4. Incorporate Sustainable Drainage techniques, in accordance with Policy CS18, as an integral part of design and apply the requirements of the SuDS handbook as set out in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
5. Consider design of landscaping and open space holistically as part of the whole development to provide safe, useable and well-connected outdoor spaces which respond to and reinforce the character and context within which it is set, in accordance with Policy CS17 and MD12 and MD13, including.
i. Natural and semi-natural features, such as, trees, hedges, woodlands, ponds, wetlands, and watercourses, as well as existing landscape character, geological and heritage assets and;
ii. providing adequate open space of at least 30sqm per person that meets local needs in terms of function and quality and contributes to wider policy objectives such as surface water drainage and the provision and
enhancement of semi natural landscape features.
With the above in mind the Council found the deisgn to respons positively to the site context and form a well designed residential adjunct. The proposal still need to be judged aginst the specific Shrewsbury area policy of the Samdev plan and this is "Policy S16: Shrewsbury Area" which is as follows:
S16.1 Shrewsbury Town Development Strategy
1. Core Strategy Policy CS2 sets out the broad Development Strategy for Shrewsbury, supplemented by this Policy S16.1. Appropriate development and redevelopment that accords with the Strategy will be encouraged on suitable sites within the town’s development boundary, which is identified on the Policies Map.
2. Shrewsbury will provide the primary focus for development for Shropshire, as a sub-regional centre and Shropshire’s growth point, providing approximately 6,500 dwellings and 90 hectares of employment land during the period 2006- 2026.
3. New housing development will be delivered through a combination of existing brownfield sites and a range of new greenfield sites, both sites allocated for development and windfall opportunities. The allocated housing sites are set out in Schedule S16.1a and identified on the Policies Map.
4. To foster economic development and to help to deliver a balance between new housing and local employment opportunities, specific site allocations for 43 hectares of new employment land are set out in Schedule S16.1b and identified on the Policies Map. The allocated employment sites will complement the committed urban employment sites set out in Schedule S16.1d to provide a range and choice of economic development opportunities in the town. Further to Policies CS14 and MD9, existing strategic employment
sites and areas to be safeguarded are also identified on the Policies Map.
5. The development of the Shrewsbury South and Shrewsbury West Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE’s) identified on the Policies Map will be supported, provided that:
i. The development delivers the scale and type of development set out in Policy CS2 and has regard to the broad arrangement of land uses# indicated on the SUE Land Use Plans (Figures S16.1.1 and S16.1.2);
ii. The development has regard to the principles of the SUE masterplans adopted by the Council and is linked to the provision of the identified infrastructure requirements, with initial planning applications accompanied
by phasing and delivery strategies.
6. Key areas of change in Shrewsbury are the ‘Heart’ of Shrewsbury and the Shrewsbury Northern Corridor, where proposals for new development/redevelopments and enhancements should have regard to the
principles, priorities and objectives of the Shrewsbury Vision and Northern Corridor Regeneration Frameworks, as appropriate, aiming to:
i. Provide a sustainable and complementary mix of retail, community, employment and residential uses;
ii. Support economic and community development;
iii. Protect and enhance heritage, environmental and conservation assets, and deliver environmental improvements;
iv. Incorporate approaches to access, parking and movement which support the integrated and sustainable transport strategy for Shrewsbury. More specifically:
A Heart of Shrewsbury – the town centre and edge of centre areas: Development proposals should have regard to the aims of:
i. Renewing areas of relatively poor environment and greater potential, notably at Riverside, West End, Frankwell, Abbey Foregate and Castle Foregate;
ii. Reducing the impact of traffic and congestion in key areas, notably High Street/West End, Castle Street, Smithfield Road, Frankwell, Abbey Foregate and Castle Foregate;
iii. Ensuring strong, high quality public realm and links between spaces, particularly walking routes;
iv. Significantly enhancing the town centre retail offer, whilst retaining and developing the independent sector;
v. Enhancing the role of the river and access to it;
vi. Unlocking the potential of some vacant or underused buildings;
vii. Celebrating gateways and arrival points.
B Shrewsbury Northern Corridor, focusing on:
Southern Quarter of Castle Foregate/St. Michael’s Street/Ditherington;
Central Quarter of Lancaster Road/Whitchurch Road;
Northern Quarter of Battlefield Enterprise Park/Sundorne Retail
Park/Arlington Way;
Development proposals should have regard to the priorities of:
i. the restoration and redevelopment of the Ditherington Flaxmill site,
including associated mixed use development;
ii. the enhancement of major existing commercial, employment and mixed
use areas;
iii. encouraging new employment development and existing employers to
remain in the area, linked to Policy MD4;
iv. improving the environmental quality of the Corridor;
v. further measures to support sustainable transport and links in the Corridor;
vi. promoting wider housing choice and opportunity.
7. To support Shrewsbury’s role as Shropshire’s strategic centre, the extent of the Primary Shopping Area and Primary and Secondary Frontages for the town are identified on the Policies Map. Development proposals in these areas will need to satisfy policy requirements set out in Policies CS15 and MD10a. In addition, the Policies Map identifies land at Smithfield Road allocated for the new Riverside Shopping Centre as the location for significant new retail floorspace to help to meet the targets for Shrewsbury set out in Policy CS15.
8. Development proposals will be expected to demonstrate that they have adequately mitigated their impacts, having regard to the need for the coordination of infrastructure provision/improvements across the town to address the particular challenges faced by Shrewsbury referred to in Policy CS2. Development proposals should take account of infrastructure constraints and requirements, as identified within the LDF Implementation Plan and Place Plans, and positively contribute towards local infrastructure improvements,
including the provision of community benefits in accordance with Policies CS8 and CS9.
Again the development was not found ot conflict with any of the aims and objectives of the Shrewsbury Policy and in a very small way it wkill support the economy of the town in the input into the supply chain and the construction industry.
Since receiving planning approval we have also completed and had approved a Building Regulations Application for the technical detail required for the extension.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Service can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful house extension please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

March 2020
Approval received for new Place of Worship in Fakenham, Norfolk.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured this change of use for a new place or worship via Planning Consent from North Norfolk Council and subsequent Full Plans Building Regulations approval for the revised layout has now been received. Please refer to our Change of Use Projects Page for further examples of success in this field.

March 2020
New Boutique Hotel Planning Application
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have obtained retrospective planning approval for a boutique hotel that was the subject of a Planning Enforcement case. En-Plan have been bought in and achieved the consent to allow the ongoing use of this business. Please refer to our Leisure & Tourism Projects Page for further examples of success in this field .

Februrary 2020
Holiday Let Planning Application receives approval in Shropshire.
Utilising the existing garage planning approval has been granted to change its use to a new holiday let in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside. The project will now progresses to the building regulations stage to ensure correct conversion techniques and fire safety is adhered to. Please refer to our Leisure & Tourism Projects Page for further examples.