Medway Drive, Forest Row, Susex.
New residential annex including art studio and ancillary residential accommodation.
Following an initial planning appraisal of the site it was decided when considering the proposed use and the applicants needs that a formal planning application would be submitted to apply for a residential annex for the applicants aging father to allow for a level of independent living and an art studio where both the father and daughter could use. The proposal will utilise a plastic polymer flat roof and mirror the adjacent built form to blend seamlessly into the street scene whilst augmenting the existing accommodation at the property.
50 Medway Drive is a semi detached two storey property located on the north side of Medway Drive off Hartfield Road. It has an 'L' shaped residential curtilage that lies to the east of the property and extends up to the three garages that serve properties within the estate. There is an existing timber pitched summerhouse adjacent to the garages. The boundary of the property with Medway Drive is approximately 1.8m high being close boarded fencing. Small patio area and grass to the front of the summerhouse.
The planning application site comprises of a two storey semi detached dwelling located on the north side of Medway Drive off Hartfield Road. The property is of brick construction with a tiled roof. The dwelling has a pitched roof porch to the front elevation and a modest single storey conservatory to the rear elevation. To the side is a single garage with gates to the side for access into the rear gardens of the property. The application site is located inside the defined development boundary for Forest Row, within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with the Forest Way to the rear of the property.
Permission is sought to construct an annex within the garden to replace the existing summerhouse. Amendments have been sought during the process to alter the materials from rendered walls to brick built and to reduce the height of the annex to improve the design.
The proposed annex is considered to be of an acceptable scale, form and design that relate well to the host dwelling. On balance, the proposals are not considered to have an unacceptable impact on neighbour amenity, the streetscene or wider landscape. The scheme is in accordance with adopted local and national planning policy and guidance and approval is recommended.
Flood Risk Assessment
The property lies outside but adjacent to a flood zone to the north of the side. En-Plan provided a flood risk assessmnet to demonstrate there would be no detrimental impact upon the flood zone or the safety of residents.
Can I Use an Outbuilding as an Annex?
Do remember, it is not lawful to build an outbuilding for use as an annex under PD. Subject to various simple criteria, new outbuildings can be built in your garden for just about any purpose incidental to the use of your house as a single home, such as a home office, gym or workshop — but not for self-contained residential accommodation. You will need planning permission if an outbuilding is to be specifically built for the purposes of being an annex. Please refer to our decicated outbuildings project page for further examples
Further Infromation
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

November, 2018
New basement and swimming pool extension approved in the London Green Belt.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured planning approval for a new basement development and swimming pool in the Metropolitan Green Belt in Essex.

October 2019
Planning Application for the sub-division of a property into three flats approved in Norfolk.
Great Yarmouth Council have granted approval for the creation of three new flats in then town centre by the sub-divison of an historic property.
To see more similar projects to this please refer to our dedicated Property Sub-division Page.

November 2018
Bungalow re-model Planning Application approved in the Green Belt in Upminster Essex.
With alterations to the roof design and balconies added to the newly created first floor bedrooms this re-model in the Green Belt has now moved to the building regulations phase.

August 2022
Planning Application for a new detched workshop and store has been approved in Bromsgrove.
Bromsgrove District Council have granted approval in the heart of the Worctesrehsire Green Belt for a new workshop.
To see similar projects please refer to our dedidctaed Garages, Annexes, and Outlbuldings Page.

January 14, 2017
Planning Application for loft conversion with dormers submitted in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Bespoke zinc clad dormers added to this planning application to give it a contemporary stylish look and open up the converted loft space at this property in Meole Brace, Shrewsbury..

february 2024
Planning Application for a barn restoration project approved in the Methwold Conservation Area.
King's Lynn Council have granted approval for the restoration of an historic barn in a designated Conservation area.
Please refer to our Barn Conversions Page for more example sof pojects in this field.